Jan 19, 2008

Finances with my partner in life

I found out that J used his allowance to purchase our take-away dinner and his prescription renewal. I don’t like that very much! Those expenses must be pulled from the right fund and not from his allowance! It also does not help in tracking our spending habits especially when he does not mention such items to me. I also get concerned as to why he’d decide to use his allowance for prescription and food that we both eat. I know I track our expenses down to the cent if I can, but that’s only because I want us to be aware of our finances. I don’t want him to think that he needs to do that to save us money - by not pulling funds from our live-off money. Live-off money is the amount left after all bills are paid and savings have been stashed away for the budget period in consideration.

So my concern is... am I being too money conscious that it puts my partner off?

Is it alright?
Yesterday he went to Briscoe’s to look for outdoor chairs that might be on sale. They are currently having a 30-50% off on everything. He ended up buying a bathmat and a hallway runner totaling $60. I really didn’t mind that. In fact I’ve always been thinking of getting another bathmat because we only had 1. The runner is an extra but it’s also one of those purchases that I don’t find excessive. After a few minutes of arriving home with his shopping goods, he asked me about what I felt about the purchase. I was not prepared to answer that question because I didn’t really think anything about the purchase. When I mind something, I do speak my mind. I just really don’t want him to think that he needs to run by every little thing with me when he buys something that is fundamentally good for our family. I trust him and I think it’s important that our partners know and feel that coming from us. I know that he has a weakness for gadgets but so far nothing is too excessive yet.

I talked to him about this and didn’t really get a reason why he used his allowance. He was sweet to tell me that there are times he just wants to buy food for his baby though. Aww. I transferred the money to his account this morning. We even talked about getting him a massage for the well-done job he's done clearing a LOT of leaves around our house. That would be another story to post.

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