Aug 27, 2009

spring cleaning has begun

I have been Ms. Motivated for the last 2 weeks! I finally caught up with all of our laundry, sorted unused stuff, and have posted unused stuff for sale on sella.

I gave away my small and unused leggings and tights to a friend, threw away expired medicines, recycled bits of papers I found in my bags and purses. I also put away my old clothes that don't look old but don't fit me anymore. They will be given to charity soon. J sorted the linen closet one very early morning he woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. The closet now has properly folded linens! I'm so glad we learned the proper way to fold fitted sheets! :)

I have been feeling so good about all of our hard work over the last 2 weeks. The house is clutter-free. I've been seeing Peter Walsh on Oprah a lot lately and he has given plenty of ideas about organizing everything.

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