May 16, 2008

This week's review : 12-16 May 08

Well, I spent 3 days on training and I loved it! Not only are trainings increasing my knowledge but it also means free food! Who wouldn't love free variety of buffet hotel food? I saved $30 from those 3 training days that immediately snowballed into debts.
I also got surprised when I saw my last maternity benefit got deposited. I miscalculated and thought that my last pay out was 2 weeks ago. Don't you love it when unexpected windfall happens? I just feel blessed and lucky! That will feed into the bond we need to pay for childcare. It's not due until mid June but I'll pay it next week while we still have money.
We also finally sold our DVD recorder. Unfortunately though I didn't know that the Buy Now feature of TradeMe has a fee of $14!!! I am disappointed about that! So not only we sold a perfectly not-so-used item for so cheap, we have a loss of $14 in the process. Blech. So the sale money, $300, goes to debt payment.
Debt, debt, debt. I wish it would end soon. I'm trying to achieve paying $500/fortnight to debt. That's a lot of money to part with especially having a little infant now. It makes me disappointed in the way we handled our income last year. Sigh.
Before I cry, I'm gonna end this post now. Til next!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are saving money by eating on your employer! I love doing that!

    and yes, windfalls are always welcome!
